Saving All My Love for You.

Saving All My Love for You.

For years now, my family and friends have been telling me take more time for myself, to practice better self-care, to slow down and smell the roses. I’ve pretty much ignored all of that advice {๐Ÿ˜‚} until now. For over a decade now, I’ve committed my life and my time to serving others; to getting myself to a place where I can complete my MD and ultimately enhance the health and wellness of many. {read all about why my #RoadToMD has been so lengthyย here} I became so consumed with studying, shadowing, research, board exams, mission trips, volunteerism…that I forgot to make time for myself. All of these things are important and, in my opinion, necessary to become the kind of physician that I want to be, but so is self-care. So this year, and on this Valentine’s Day in particular, I’ve made it my mission to carve out more time for me, to balance just a little bit better, and yes, to ultimately rid of that med student guilt that says you must spend every waking hour on medicine. I’ve decided to blog more, travel more, indulge more {all within reason of course!} Even simple day to day practices can lighten my mood and set a more relaxing tone. I’ve become obsessed with Bath and Body Works 3 wick candles, for example! Just the simple act of lighting one while I take a shower or watch a favorite movie is such a treat! So relaxing. I also try to say yes just a bit more often to social outings and new experiences. I walk around Ponce City Market {fave!} a little more often. I go get pad thai at my favorite noodle house,ย Doc Cheys, a little more often. All of these small additions to my routine add unto the greater goal of self-care.

I used to try to wait for the perfect conditions in life before shaking things up. Before making more allowances for me time, I wanted to be in a certain place in my education; in my career. Can anyone else relate?? Over the last year, I realized that conditions will never be perfect. There will always be something going on that requires more attention than I plan for. So, the time is NOW. I don’t try to push things off anymore when I really want to do them. I simply carve out the time and make it work. I used to save all my love for other people, but now I am so glad that I’ve reached the point where I’m saving some for me too. I encourage you all to do the same.



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