Pink & Green…Forever💖💚

Pink & Green…Forever💖💚

Gimme allll the pink & green! So many of my Sorors will soon be headed to Houston, TX for the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated 68th Boule {our biannual national conference}. My first Boule experience took place right here in Atlanta back in 2016. I loved every minute of it! Every day was a constant reminder of how grateful I am to be apart of this amazing organization—the First {and Finest!} black Greek sorority 💖💚 Each day of the conference is jam-packed with a wide selection of classes, summits, service projects, and social events. With so many to-do’s on the agenda, of course that begs the question “what to wear?” I’ve got ya covered, Sorors! Below I’ve linked allll of my fave pink and green items for this season—business wear, casual, white, formal, you name it! I was even able to find some of the cutest pj’s for the girls’ nights with your Soror hotel roomies! I’ve included a wide array of price points. Also, one of my favorite parts of Boule? The vendors!! Below, you can find my fave vendors for Greek paraphernalia.

I wish I could be in attendance this year, but, as always, I’ll be studying. Best believe I’ll still be purchasing a few of the items below for future occasions. happy shopping and happy Boule!💖💚 p.s. how fun is this floral installation?! It’s located at the Shops of Buckhead.








My Favorite Vendors:

Define Me Greek

Fashionably Greek

Ivy Storehouse

Zebra Lane

Stuff for Greeks

Creative Options

In the Cut

Dice Customs

Buffalo Dallas



Photos by Tina Smith

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