Serious Business Woman.

Serious Business Woman.

She bout her bout her business! How many times have you heard the phrase “don’t take yourself too seriously!” I’m Type A, so I have definitely heard it a time or several. ha! Over the years, I’ve found this tidbit of advice is not always feasible, at least not on a consistent basis. As it pertains to my career, it has become imperative that I take myself extremely seriously. Why? Because many have not and do not. Let’s be honest. Since my undergrad days, my transcripts and test scores have not exactly been pristine. I’m still working on mastering the art of standardized exams and honestly, I am on my fourth degree program and flat out tired! When I told my undergrad academic advisors I wanted to go to medical school, they suggested another health-related field. Now that I have made it to medical school and I say I want to be a fetal surgeon or any kind of surgeon, for that matter, those acquainted with my academic record encourage me to aim for less competitive specialties. Still, when people ask me what I want to do, I say it confidently and proudly! If you and your fetus have an issue, I (will be) ya girl! I have been told I would never make it into medical school, I would never pass certain exams, I would never match in a competitive residency program and on and on and on. But guess what? Every single suggested “never” has NEVER come to pass!👊🏾 What’s my strategy to ward off those negative predictions?

– I run my life like a business, like a brand. Each day has a list of deliverables that I check on several times throughout the day. This list includes action items that will push me toward a goal I set for the week as well as ideas and dreams that lead me to identifying other goals. I aim to ensure none of the items filter over into the next week. I constantly hold myself accountable.

– I remind myself that some people are only able to operate as a function of their limited experience on what is possible or likely. That is not my problem. I operate off faith. I’ve seen God open many a door for me, so when I say I can do ALL things, I really mean it. I am not playing make-believe because I’ve seen Him do it over and over! It’s hilarious to me (and a bit arrogant) that some really feel like they have the power to predict or even ensure someone else’s ultimate failure. No one is that powerful! Not unless you allow them to be. Sure, I may fail on the way to achieving a certain goal. Who doesn’t? In the end, though, I WIN! I’m learning to spend less time getting offended and more time continuing to do my best.

– I don’t limit myself based on what I can see. I made a promise to myself in undergrad: whatever it is, just go for it! Apply and never tell myself no because you just don’t know when the answer will be yes! I always apply for scholarships and opportunities I want even if I don’t meet all the requirements. I disregard the requirements quite often to be honest! 9 times out of 10, I get the Congratulations letter I want! I shudder to think what would happen if I ever limited myself.

– I remember (and my parents remind me!) my thoughts and words have power. Others’ negative predictions over my life do not come to pass because I try my best not to dwell on them. I refuse to take on their labels. Instead, I dwell on what God says about me (I am more than a Conqueror – Romans 8:37) and I believe His perfect plan for my life will manifest even if it takes longer than I thought.

– Lastly, I pray. I pray and believe God will meet me when I do my part and put in the work (heck, even when I don’t do my part!🙌🏾) He ALWAYS makes things work together for my good (Romans 8:28) even when it appears everything is falling apart.

I take myself and my dreams seriously because if I don’t, no one else will. How else would I overcome when people tell me I can’t or I won’t? I just wanted to encourage anyone who may be struggling in a career or life in general. Keep going! Especially for the med students who are labeled as “behind” or “uncompetitive,” NO! You are not an enzyme inhibitor! (get it?!)😂😂😂😂😂 #nerdlife! So many people struggle in med school. It’s just that some are extremely honest about it and some are not. Yes, the likelihood of your physician making a few C’s here and there–very high! And that’s OKAY. Grades and exams are to measure your ability to meet a baseline for certain knowledge and information. They do not have to determine how far you can go. If you struggle academically, hustle hard and show what else you can do! Maybe you’ve published a research paper, won an amazing scholarship, completed a great poster presentation, or even started a fashion and lifestyle blog!💖🙌🏾Do your very best and keep those blinders on. No comparing yourself to anyone else. It will only drive you nuts! Be your own advocate. You are so much more than numbers on a page. You have so much to offer no matter how those stats are interpreted. You seriously can do anything and I’m rooting for YOU!



Photos by Tina Smith


  1. August 28, 2018 / 2:09 pm

    You are ENOUGH!❤👏🏾❤

    • Anya
      August 28, 2018 / 3:24 pm

      Thanks M!! Love you!!

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