Travel Day Tips.

Travel Day Tips.

Up Up & Away! I cannot even tell you how excited I am to get away to NYC for a few days! I try to get back there at least once per semester. I have family ties there because my Dad is from the Bronx. My brother and several other family members are there and my Aunt is in Jersey! I go back to see them, of course. I also go for the culture, the vibe, the energy. Being in THE City energizes me because it’s full of people hustling to the max to secure the realization of their dreams. There’s a sense of ‘gonna make it happen’ spirit in the air! And I absolutely love that. And then there’s the photo opps! I’ll be shooting several looks with Leidy Beltran and I can’t even wait to share. For now, I’m sharing this fab (I can’t resist an apropos graphic tee!) travel day look and my top travel tips! Here goes:

– I usually pack everything in one carry-on. Yes, everything. Not only does this provide a quicker transition from plane to car, but it also gives me peace of mind. When I first moved to Boston for college, I ended up in Boston and my luggage (with all my new fashions)…ended up in Florida. I got it back in a few days, but still. Since then, I’ve packed a carry-on unless I’m away for more than two weeks. How does everything fit? I roll all my clothes instead of folding them and I don’t over pack. It works!

– On the plane, I dress super comfy in leggings or stretch jeans. I also dress in layers—sweatshirt and coat—just in case those sitting next to me get a little trigger-happy with the air conditioning lol.

– For my toiletries, I use this vanity case! It has interior dividers that keep me nice and organized when I get to my destination (I’m Obsessed with organization!) and it ensures all my essentials are in one place.

– Since I go to New York with several looks to shoot, my suitcase can start to get a bit heavy. I try to wear at least one of the pieces I plan to shoot (boots, purse, coat) as a part of my travel day look so I can lighten the load and ensure everything fits. Definitely wearing these OTK boots on my travel day!

– This is actually a tip I have yet to take advantage of, but have every intention to: sign up for TSA pre-check! The lines are shorter and the amount of undressing I have to do? Way less! Definitely a great option for those who travel frequently and I will absolutely need this before residency interviews next year.

So there you have it, folks! My top travel tips. Whether you’re traveling or staying put, I hope you have an Amazing Thanksgiving and the best start to your holiday season!



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