Self-care: The Medical Student Edition.

Self-care: The Medical Student Edition.

Self-care—not just a buzz word. As you may have noticed, I’ve been really into self-care this year! Maybe because so many around me are constantly reminding me I need it. “Anya, did you eat today?” “Sooooo when are you taking more than a 15 minute break from studying?” “Your Friday night consists of what?!” 😂🙌🏾Can any other medical students or health care professionals relate? Admittedly, self-care looks different for us. It feels different to us. I mean really—how many intensely candle-lit, bath bombed-out, Bruno Mars playing in the background bubble baths can you take per week when you have residents down your neck because Attendings are down theirs, the task of getting your body used to a new schedule each week (OB/GYN! Surgery!), patient notes to stay on top of, classes that last all day, study sessions that last all night, question banks to complete, Online MedEd to speed watch, weekly quizzes, daily pimping (oral questions to answer on the spot!), entire texts to read in under a week (because who really begins reading at the very beginning of a rotation?) exams out the wazoo, anxiety about barely passing and just getting by, a gym membership you guiltily rarely use, relationships hanging on by prayer, a blog to maintain, and pretty much every hour of the day accounted for…and people wanna ask me if I ate that day??😂🙌🏾 Bruh!! STILL, self-care is absolutely important and it’s because of all the reasons I listed above. So here are all tips for those who, like me, are always on the go and need that “me time” to get in where it fit in!

1. Build self-care activities into routine things you already have to do. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: candle-lit showers—lit! It’s something that really relaxes me and a guarantee I can look forward to everyday. Why? Because it’s built into my routine. I’m gonna shower each day. I’m gonna wash my hair every other week. Why not make it a super relaxing experience I can use to decompress and de-stress?

2. Listen to uplifting and inspiring podcasts when you’re on the go. Gotta feed and refuel your spirit on the regular, right? Almost everyday, I spend my drive into the hospital listening to a podcast. I especially love the ones that showcase success stories of strong women of color. I get inspiration to make it through the day. My current faves include: Jesus & Jollof, The Roommates Podcast, Pretty Big Deal, and Rants and Randomness!

3. Treat yo self! Sure, we have a very specific, limited amount of funds to live off each semester. Sure, we have to pay anywhere from $600 – $2000 for each board exam…still, make room for you! Put some funds aside to go on that trip. Get that cheat day treat. Buy that new pair of shoes. Don’t go overboard, but also don’t stop living just because of your current commitment. Those loans will get paid off. LIVE.

4. Practice positive self-talk. Having difficulty mastering the art of exam taking? Worried about that resident who just won’t let up? Overwhelmed by the amount of information you’re responsible for? Speak positivity over your life! Print out positive affirmations and tape them to your mirror. It’s something you can quickly and easily glance at and remind yourself of each day.

5. Find an outlet! Did you know I started my blog out of necessity? I was drowning in 2ndYear and I desperately needed a way to deal with deep waters. After much urging from my mom and classmates, I started my blog. I didn’t have it all together. In fact, everything was falling apart. Now as things fall together, I am so glad I have this creative outlet to represent my voice, share my experiences, and of course express my FASHUN! Surgery And The City has been a God sent—truly keeping me sane in a sea of all that is medical school. Be creative and explore interests outside of medicine…and do it NOW!

Bonus: Watch Grey’s Anatomy every Thursday! It makes everything better, helps you laugh at your real life experiences, and helps you study. Win win win!

So there you have it! I hope these practical ideas help! Tell me your ideas for self-care below!



Photos by Tina Smith


    • Anya
      March 3, 2019 / 3:21 am


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