Non-Traditional Med Student 101: MCAT or Bust!

Non-Traditional Med Student 101: MCAT or Bust!

Welcome back to this non-traditional series! Now…I know what you may be thinking: “Don’t you struggle with exam-taking, An?” The short of it is…absolutely! And that’s exactly why you should keep reading! Learn from my mistakes so you don’t have to repeat them AND if you struggle with test-taking too, this is definitely for you! I took the MCAT a total of 3 times and on the second time, my score actually managed to decrease by two points. Awful. The first time I studied for the exam, I enrolled in a Kaplan course. I studied in accordance with the provided guide and drove through Buckhead and back religiously to attend my weekly courses. Worst $1000+ I’ve ever spent. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE me some Kaplan q-bank questions. They definitely played a huge role in getting me through STEP1. However, the course—to me—simply was not worth the funds. Each session, our instructor briefly covered 1 topic, watched our classroom full of eager students complete a few practice questions and cases, and answered questions as we worked independently…I could have done just about all of this without the supervision. And so I did.

My first score was not what it needed to be, so I decided to re-sit for the exam after spending more time on independent study. I got all of the Exam Krackers files from a friend fo free! Exam Krackers breaks down information and really makes it simple to understand. From what I’ve been told, scores are generally higher with Kaplan, but their study guides are way more dense. I needed simple, the basics. I studied diligently, but that was not enough. I was working full-time and completing a post-bac at Southern Polytechnic State University as I studied. I honestly think I was doing too much. I didn’t give up, though.

I enrolled in the Masters of Science in Biomedical Sciences Program at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – GA Campus. I focused on my year 1 coursework and ensured I mastered the information at hand. I did not even look at MCAT materials again until after I finished the first year. Again, I dusted off my handy Exam Krackers and went to work. I studied for 3 months and took the exam. SIX POINTS! That’s how much my score increased. In MCAT land, at least on the old scale, that was quite a jump! My score was not stellar, but it was enough to get me into two medical schools…and baby, all you need is ONE!! Taking upper level science courses, focusing solely on those courses, decreasing my extracurricular activities, and independent study with Exam Krackers. That’s ultimately what did the trick. That and never giving up on myself or God. All of these things are very doable. Not easy, but doable. If you are trying to enhance your score, consider some of these methods. Consider taking out that extra loan so you can enroll in a Masters program and then use your summer for truly dedicated MCAT study; nothing else on your plate. A tutor doesn’t hurt either! If you are already enrolled in school, look for resources at your pre-med or Advisor’s office first. There is plenty time to throw your checkbook (dating myself lol) at medicine. Trust me. Try not to break the bank too much right now. I really hope these practical ideas and what worked for me can potentially work for you! As always, feel free to ask me any questions (DM on Instagram, comment on my IG photos, comment below, email) Rooting for you!




    • Anya
      March 23, 2019 / 11:58 pm


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