Lululemon Immersion✨

Lululemon Immersion✨

Oh, hi! Just returned from my trip to Ojai, CA and I wanted to give a final recap! Wow. Just Wow. What I experienced this past week was simply beyond and I’m just so grateful to have been included. I began working with FIGS as an Ambassador this past April. When I opened my email a few months ago to see an invite to their annual wellness excursion, only one thought came to mind: I will clear my schedule no matter what! And I am so very glad I did. As you all know, I’ve had a very long and arduous #RoadToMD. It was wonderful—it was necessary—to rest so I can finish up med school strong. So, let’s get into it!

Day 1

FIGS partnered with Lululemon, health and wellness extraordinaire, to create a beautiful and enriching retreat for 50 FIGS Ambassadors. As confirmed by one of the Lululemon reps, this brand focuses on engaging people in growth, development, and overall wellness. Their design and sale of yoga clothing is secondary to their mission. We arrived in LA and made the 2 hour trek to Ojai only to find the most gorgeous home for the next few days at the Ojai Valley Inn, a state of the art resort built in 1923. The grounds have the charm of the past and the modern amenities of the present. My room was incredibly spacious and was complete with a deep bathtub that completely enveloped me as I rested there on the final night. Annnnnnd the balcony. I could sit out there all day and just look down at the rest of the property and look out at the Topa Topa Bluffs. Each day, there is what natives call ‘The Pink Moment’ where there is a pink glow that rests right over the bluffs at sunset. So Breathtakingly Beautiful.

Airport Style:

I arrived with some of the Ambassadors right in time to be whisked away to sunset yoga. This was my favorite experience of the Immersion. I had the chance to just…be. At various points of the exercise, I was able to rest on my back and look upward. All I could see was blue sky. I could not stop thanking God for this opportunity, for this rest. Amazingly talented Dr. Chelsea Jackson Roberts led our sessions. One of the first questions she asked us was, “what would your day be like if it weren’t filled with so much urgency?” I could not answer the question because I literally did not know…until this experience where we were encouraged to rest. Encouraged to rest–not something you see or hear often for medical professionals. Dr. Jackson Roberts provided instruction in a way that all, even beginners like myself, could learn, participate, and enjoy. And she pretty much has the most calming voice ever.

We then transitioned from our lush green lot to a gorgeous pergola up above. There, we had drinks, hors d’oeuvres (they even had figs! so on brand!), and dinner. Afterward, I headed to my hotel room only to be surprised by amazing gifted items from FIGS and Lululemon. Before this trip, I had never tried Lululemon clothing. Let me just say, their yoga pants are the softest and comfiest I’ve ever felt in my life!! It was such a surprise and incredibly generous!! Can’t wait to photograph the looks and share them here!


Lululemon Goodies:

Day 2

The next morning, we rose early so we could hike through the Topa Topa trail. I really wanted to challenge myself this trip, so I made sure I was up early and ready to go. I have not hiked in so long because of ankle issues, but I was not about to miss this. The trail is so beautiful and the views unmatched. When we got back down the mountain, we were treated with ice cold towels infused with lavender. The most relaxing post-work out treat Ever! There were hints of lavender in so many spaces on this trip: diffusers, lemonade, towels, etc. Apparently, a lot of it grows around Ojai. Going to buy a diffuser now.


We then settled in to our first session with Lululemon. We discussed values and had the opportunity to break into groups and act out our values with one another. Mine are God, Family, Love, Integrity, and Strong Work Ethic. In the exercise, I positioned God with his back toward my back, hands out, protecting me. Family stood right next to me arm linked in arm. Love wrapped its arms around me and Family. Integrity stood in front of me, lunging with arms out and beckoning me forward. Strong Work Ethic stood behind me, lunging forward, hands on my back, and pressing me forward. To see my peers playing this out and providing a visual representation was so powerful. The exact placement of my values is so accurate and they have absolutely gotten me to where I am now. Definitely an emotional exercise. We followed up with a beautiful candle-lit yoga session. The entire room looked like Anthropologie’s sister! I love that they also scheduled in several hours of free time each day for our own versions of self-care (ie balcony time for me)!


Dinner on this night was so special. We got to have a Q&A with Heather and Trina, FIGS CEOs. They are true BOSSES and Philanthropists. They are so inspirational and chatted with us about never giving up on our dreams. As a fashionista, I of course asked if they plan on adding to FIGS clothing and accessories. They said YES! So many awesome products coming soon, so be on the look out!

Day 3

We began the day with yoga. The sessions definitely grew in intensity. Ha! I am proud of myself for trying something rather new. I did take advantage of child’s pose each time Dr. Jackson Roberts said we could lol! I love how she encouraged us to do what our bodies needed individually. Our second session with Lululemon was all about fixed reality. What is it and how can you overcome it? Mine was that I’ll always have trouble with test-taking. It was so powerful to flip that fixed reality and say out loud that I thrive in test-taking. Your words have Power! Excited to see this statement manifest. Oh and my Sorors were representing, y’all!


We engaged in a fun afternoon activity (where there was lavender lemonade!! I had 3 cups!). Shibori—the art of folding an item to make various shapes before dipping them in indigo to solidify the shape. A more complex form of tie dye, if you will. Love love what we created!

The day ended with a farewell dinner and dancing! One member of the Lululemon team–Michael–did a red carpet commentary for my look, stating that I was a Georgia Peach vision in my floral gown! Best comment ever! I ended the night in my huge hotel tub.

Farewell Dinner Look:

Y’all. This was hands down the best trip I’ve ever been on. I had time to rest, to grow, to develop, and to meet some really #AwesomeHumans. It was amazing to connect with so many different professionals from so many different intersections of medicine. I met more Sorors in this space. I learned about Interventional Radiology and will absolutely refer my future patients. I met more health care professionals who also love fashion. I learned to prioritize self-care. I am so blessed to have been apart of this Immersion and I did indeed immerse in the realization that caring for others necessitates I care for myself (more often than I already do). I am home, I am well rested, and I am ready to finish medical school!

Many many thanks, FIGS & Lululemon! I will never forget this experience!




  1. Nycole Patterson
    October 19, 2019 / 6:20 pm

    I am so glad that you were able to get away and rest! Self care is definitely important! I enjoyed reading about your trip and I need to add it to my list of places to go! Lol

    • Anya
      October 19, 2019 / 7:20 pm

      Thanks so much girl!! And thank you for reading! Yes, you should absolutely visit. I definitely plan to go back🙌🏾🧘🏾‍♀️

    • Anya
      October 19, 2019 / 8:50 pm

      Thanks M!! Had the BEST time!🙌🏾🧘🏾‍♀️✨

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