Non-Traditional Med Student 101: Staying Motivated To Study!

Non-Traditional Med Student 101: Staying Motivated To Study!

As most of you know, I’m a non-traditional med student and part of MY journey has included difficulty with standardized tests. Thus, an important part of my study time is to take more time!⏳How do I stay committed to the task for months on end?👇🏾

🏃🏾‍♀️I run my own race. Most of my classmates are probably done with all exams by now. I say ‘most’ because 9 times out of 10, I don’t inquire. Why add more fuel to comparison? My current study mode is MY reality and I need to focus on that to get through it; not stress about some idea that I’m behind.

📅I stick to a routine. I wake up and read my daily devotional. I’ve really been enjoying Bible plans on the Bible app. Right now I’m focused on Victory devotional plans. Study. Exercise. Watch “The Real.” Study. Eat. Online MedEd. Maaaaaybe squeeze in one YouTube video or tv show. Sleep. Repeat. I am in control of my own study schedule. No professors to answer to daily anymore. My routine ensures I meet my objectives.

🎡I don’t reinvent the wheel. I have been sticking to exactly what my test taking strategist showed me a year ago and it has been working pretty well. I didn’t feel like I had time to really complete his process during 3rd year because of clinic hours and it messed me all up. More on that later. Now I’m back to the basics and feeling good!

🏝I take breaks. May sound cray, but I went on a wellness retreat with my beloved @wearfigs smack dab in the middle of my study time. Yep. Sure did. I also ensure I can watch “This Is Us” each week and decided to keep working on my blog instead of deleting my social media. It’s important to me that as I pursue this particular dream, I remember the others and maintain actually feeling like a person. Breaks help.

👯‍♂️I ask for help. I’ve been humbled sooooo many times throughout med school that asking for help now is just par for the course lol! I meet with one of my professors frequently just to ensure I have a good handle on the info and to review questions.

🙌🏾 I Trust God. The fact that I’ve come this far is nothing short of a miracle. GOD got me here and He deserves All the Glory!! With all I’ve been through, my faith has been purified and tested. I know I can trust God to do the miraculous. That trust takes a lot of the stress off my shoulders.

❤️I remember my Why. All of this—my journey, my experience, where I’m going—is bigger than me. Through my story, people can see anything is possible. I’m able to use my mistakes and triumphs and show others they, too, can get it done. Students are able to come up to me and say I’ve helped them somehow on their journey whether we know each other or not. And well, knowing all of that really keeps me getting up in the morning, placing one foot in front of the other, and working my hiney off!

Whether you’re studying for an exam (and taking extra time like me❤️) or just trying to be productive in your daily life, I hope these tips help! Rooting for You!❤️

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Photos by Tina Smith


    • Anya
      November 16, 2019 / 2:43 am

      Thanks so much M!👩🏾‍⚕️📚🤓

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