How to Start a Blog!💖

How to Start a Blog!💖

Hey y’all! How are you hanging in with COVID-19 and all things quarantine? However you are impacted, I am sending you and your loved ones prayer and love. SO, I have been saying NOW is the perfect time to give your passion projects a little more attention. My passion project is my blog and one of the most frequently asked questions I receive is how to start one. Below, I’m sharing with you the steps I took to get started:

Just start. I know so many who want to wait until the perfect conditions to move on an idea. Let’s throw that notion out the window since conditions are far from perfect now! I get it. I was there. I planned on starting Surgery And The City once I was steadier with my 2nd Year med school courses…that day never came. ha! And so at the urging of my Mom and classmates, I began. My Mom took the bulk of my pics (thanks M!) and this was before iPhone Plus, Portrait Mode, and any knowledge I had of Lightroom Mobile. My original finished products were ok…and that’s OK. Why? Because I got started. And now, my blog, brand, and opportunities continue to grow. You may not love your initial finished product, but the only way to have something to build on…is to have something to build on!

PURCHASE a domain. Yes, Purchase! A domain is what hosts your webpage and allows you to have and OWN your website. I know social media is all the rave and writing is becoming a lost art (not over here at SAC!!), BUT none of us own social media platforms. If they end tomorrow, where will you direct people who genuinely enjoy your content? That blog and that email list babaaay!! My domain is through Bluehost. I pay a little over $100 per year. Having a blog, especially a fashion blog, is an investment. Invest in yourself and your brand, and you will see the benefits!

Download WordPress through Bluehost. After setting up a Bluehost account, you will be directed to install WordPress. This is what allows you to upload content (whatever you’d like to write) as well as your photos. The installation can be completed while still logged into Bluehost. There are other hosting and design companies, but I love love and have the most experience with Bluehost and WordPress!!

Choose a website design! This is the fun part. Make that blog pretty!😍There are so many WordPress compatible templates out there. A simple Google search or a search on Etsy and you’ll find one in no time. Some are free and some are an additional cost. WordPress also has its own themes to choose from. Elated Themes and pipdig are two of my favorite sites to get templates.

What’s your content? This is my favorite part! Can you tell? What will you talk about? What kind of imagery will you share? Determine what you want to discuss and go for it! Also, try to choose a niche. Is there any specific audience you are speaking to? I am speaking to non-traditional students who have struggled academically, colorful fashion lovers, and black women who want to learn how to care for their natural tresses. Obviously, there are many in my audience who do not subscribe to any of these, BUT it is helpful to establish yourself as an expert and speaker on something(s) specific. When people come to my page, they can expect this:________! And of course, add your content to your social media platforms. The more platforms you use, the more exposure. I plan out my posts and hashtags ahead of time–at least a day in advance–and text them to myself so all I have to do is copy and paste when I go to post. But remember, do not rely solely on these platforms. I like to think of social media as a marketing tool. It gets my blog name out there and directs people to the real meat: my website.

Shoot those photos. Pictures are absolutely worth a thousand words, especially on blogs! If initially, you cannot afford a professional photographer, not to worry! iPhones take AMAZING photos these days. I still use them in my feed and on my blog. Download Lightroom Mobile and you’re good to go. I do recommend saving up for a photographer if you can. Nothing like those crisp, professional photos to draw in your audience and more brands (if that’s your goal). If you are in the metro Atlanta area, I can’t recommend Tina Smith enough! She’s the Ultimate Photographer Hype Woman; making you feel especially beautiful and comfortable in front of the camera! She has an Incredible eye AND she just started offering presets: kinda like filters but waaaaaaay better. Presets allow you to edit photos the way the photographer would the the click of one button. Nice, right?! A blog and logo set your brand apart as well. Canva is clutch! You can create beautiful imagery by yourself (I use the free version) with this app. My blog header, logo, signature, and media kit…all Canva 🙌🏾Lastly, if you are blocked for ideas, Pinterest and other blogger content can be super helpful for inspo! Never copy, but be inspired and make it your Own!

Be Consistent. Now no one is going to ask you for a detailed schedule on when you’ll post to social media or your blog (I hope!), but it is important to maintain some form of consistency. Especially with the Instagram algorithm being what it is, regular posting is key for social media and your blog page. Regular may be daily, every other day, weekly, etc. I recommend posting at least 2-3 times per week. Get your audience’s attention by letting them know they can expect posts from you and your blog is here to stay!

I hope this helps! Get started and OWN your own. Can’t wait to see what y’all create! Tag me! And, as always, let me know if you have any questions. Shop my Pink Power blazer dress below! 💖


Photos by Tina Smith


    • Anya
      March 26, 2020 / 8:47 pm

      Thanks M! Glad you enjoyed!😂💕💕

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