My Move to Martha’s Vineyard

My Move to Martha’s Vineyard

SURPRISE! I moved! Y’all, the way God has been working in my life is blowing my mind! This past Sunday, I moved to Martha’s Vineyard and the entire thing was perfectly orchestrated by Him. I have really enjoyed my first week here and I wanted to take a moment to give y’all the tea!

Girl, you moved to Martha’s Vineyard…in the off season?

Yes, I most certainly did! I got an amazing opportunity to work for the CDC during my gap year before residency. (I will start residency next year). I am in a supervisory role, tasked with the assignment of establishing a covid relief program utilizing CDC standards and protocol. My job is to create and streamline culturally-relevant relief endeavors, ensure proper data collection, monitor data analysis, provide training to Contact Tracers, educate Contact Tracers on motivational interviewing, serve as a liaison with the Department of Public Health, and ultimately assist in decreasing the spread of covid-19. Gosh, I’m glad I got that Masters of Public Health!…and have plenty experience in community programming. Everything happens for a reason. Remember that!

In what part of the Vineyard do you reside?

My office is in Aquinnah. It is the furthermost tip of the island and is absolutely stunning! This is the location of Jackie O’s infamous Vineyard Compound and, yes, I have already been to see the iconic red gate. I am specifically working with the Native American tribe that settled this island. It has been Hard to find housing. There is a housing crisis/shortage I was unaware of until I got here. So this move has truly been working my faith muscle. Mom and I started off at an Aquinnah Inn, but it is so remote there. No grocery stores for miles. Yea, we had to go. We settled on Edgartown after a few recommendations and are much more comfortable here. A lesser person would have gone back home, but my Mama? She thugged it right on out with me in the woods. Demographically speaking, this town is Nothing like Atlanta. So yes, I Absolutely wave (HARD.) at every single Black person I see. And so far, albeit with some laughter, they have all waved back.

Why did you have to start/move so quickly?

When God says Go…you Go. The job set the start date and I did not want to delay my move and cause them to rescind the offer. I applied to this job months ago. I did not even think twice about it because it would have obviously been easier to stay and work in Atlanta. However, opportunities I applied to in Atlanta passed on me. That went on for months after graduation which was really hard to deal with because I know I’m qualified and I know how hard I worked. Then out of nowhere, this job contacted me. They interviewed me and offered me the position the very same day. They initially said it would take them two weeks to deliberate. It literally took them all of two minutes. I received the call right after the interview. I had a peace about it and decided to GO! I had to move within 9 days and my family and friends made that happen. It was hectic. I did not have everything figured out. I found a place to stay (temporarily) only the day before my flight. In my life, God usually chooses what I view as least likely and spins it into a miracle and an incredible opportunity. He also tests me to see if I will trust Him. He does not usually give me all the details before I “step of the boat” figuratively AND literally in this sense. I did most of my planning in just 1 week because I wanted to wait for the official offer letter before setting things in motion. I was stressed, but I’m here. Each day, God revealed the next step to make things happen—the best way to get up here, where to stay (it can be pretty expensive, but I got a good deal!), how to get around the island, etc—but only AFTER I made moves and showed I trusted Him. My Mom came with me to help me get settled…and to be a comfort blanket.

How long are you staying?

This is a temporary assignment. It lasts until March which is perfect because that is when I find out where I match for residency. There is a possibility for extension for a couple months.

How did you find this job?

One of my colleagues who is also doing a gap year told me about it!! A REAL ONE!! I applied here! Check it out as I believe they are still hiring (in a multitude of states). 

What about your apartment in Atlanta?

Chile, it was so hard leaving that place. My apartment is my sanctuary. BUT my brothers are doing me a solid and will be checking on the place. I left a list of house rules for them right at the entryway—No Women and No Parties being at the very top. Ha!

What about Tina Smith??? 

Girl!! I know!! That was one of the FIRST questions from several of my close family members and friends—which I find hilariously endearing! I’m going to miss Tina so much! She has truly helped me build SAC! BUT, we did a batch shoot literally 2 days before I left so I could have content for at least a month. A. REAL. ONE. I plan to visit Atlanta so I can shoot with her there and we are going to make it so she can come here at least once because babyyyyyy…Instagram-worthy locations for DAYS!

What do you plan on showing us on the Vineyard? Will there be a shift in your content?

There may be a tiny shift to show off the different towns of Martha’s Vineyard…Surgery And The City in a new city! BUT I still have a lot of content to share from Atlanta. The history on the Vineyard is so beautiful and rich. I mean, the Inkwell alone was home and sanctuary to so many Black literati. So yes, I will definitely be showing off the Vineyard with a historical context in tow! And if I see the Obamas, I’ll be showing you that too! I also plan to visit the other cities in this area (gosh it feels good to be back in the Northeast!) and I have to take a trip back to BU. That’s where I was first made to feel as though I may not become a doctor. And now I return to that very same soil—MD and all!

Just how blown away by God are you right now?

VERY!! I am just so surprised at how everything aligned within DAYS! For months, I was passed up for jobs for which I felt qualified. In some cases, I was overqualified. Then, SUDDENLY, this job became available offering twice and, in some cases, triple the amount of other opportunities to which I applied. Amos 9: 8-13 really became true in my life. As always, I want to encourage y’all, take heart. Even when things seem bleak and irreparable, GOD CAN. And through Him, you CAN too. Have the best weekend! You can find me exploring the island.



    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 2:42 pm

      Thank you so much Annaliese!! God is Good and always provides💕Looking forward to sharing!

  1. Kerline Jean
    October 9, 2020 / 4:31 pm

    Amazing!! Congratulations on your new journey. I feel like God is talking through people I come in contact to share this message: He can and most definitely will.

    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 5:29 pm

      Yesssss!! He CAN and He WILL!! Praying and rooting just for You!!

    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 6:23 pm

      Thanks for rocking with me M!!

  2. Valana Vannoy
    October 9, 2020 / 6:39 pm

    Your story is so authentic and inspirational! Love love love keeping you with what God is doing in your life!! <3

    warmth & lots of smiles :D,

    • Valana Vannoy
      October 9, 2020 / 6:40 pm

      *keeping up! 🙂

      • Anya
        October 9, 2020 / 7:37 pm

        💙💙💙I knew what ya meant lol! Thank youuuuuu!!

    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 7:36 pm

      Thank you so much Valana!! Means so much to me!! He’s so full of surprises at every turn and I’m just so grateful!💙💙💙

  3. October 9, 2020 / 6:47 pm

    Congratulations!! In His divine timing it always works out! Thanks for sharing your journey and always being so transparent.

    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 7:37 pm

      Thank you so much!! Yes! It’s so very true! Thank you always for reading along!💙

  4. Liz
    October 9, 2020 / 6:47 pm

    Blessed indeed

    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 7:37 pm

      Yes ma’am! So Grateful!!💙💙💙

  5. Adrienne Dupree
    October 9, 2020 / 8:09 pm

    Soror Anya, I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Hood luck in your new position. Still waiting for that book.


    • Anya
      October 9, 2020 / 9:02 pm

      Awww thank you so much Ms. Adrienne!! And it’s in the works!📚

  6. Natascha Saunders
    October 10, 2020 / 2:26 am

    Congratulations you stay leveling up while inspiring and helping so many along your journey. May God continue to richly bless and keep you.

    • Anya
      October 10, 2020 / 2:52 am

      Awwww Bless you Natascha!! Thank you so much! Means so much! I hope all is well with you!💕💚💕💚

  7. Nycole
    October 10, 2020 / 2:46 pm

    Congratulations again on this amazing opportunity! You will be missed and I hate we couldn’t have our ladies day before you left, but I just know there’s a trip in the near future! Lol

    • Anya
      October 10, 2020 / 2:48 pm

      Awww thank you Nycole!! God is Good! And yes! We will definitely have our trip when I get back!

  8. Tiffany Edwards
    October 10, 2020 / 2:47 pm

    Congrats Anya Bazzell! Thank you for sharing this new leg of your journey with us all! You are so inspiring! Stay God-fearing, and He will always provide (step up and show out). I will continue to pray for you! You got this! 💕🙏🏾💚💪🏾

    • Anya
      October 10, 2020 / 2:49 pm

      Thank you SO MUCH Soror!! I’m so grateful! Glory to God! Thank you always for your prayers. See you soon!💕💚

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