So Far on the Vineyard.

So Far on the Vineyard.

In case ya missed it, I moved to Martha’s Vineyard!! I can hardly believe it has almost been 1 month. My experience has been nothing short of amazing thus far. Truly, I’ve been going going going since I got here. I have also had time so soak in so much of the island’s beauty.

When it comes to living arrangements, initially I was STRESSED. My friends and I have visited MV in years past, but none of us have ever lived here during the winter months. I was shocked to come to the island only to find a housing shortage. No, really. It’s a problem here. I did not consider so many summer vacationers would stay on island especially this year because…if you have to live through a pandemic…why not do it on a scenic slice of heaven with a significantly lower population density? Also, so much closes during the winter months: stores, restaurants, shops, you name it. There is more open this off season in comparison to ones of years past because, again, so many more people are remaining on island, but it’s nothing like what I’m accustomed to in the large metropolitan city of Atlanta. BUT my friends and co-workers were really helpful and I settled in a town that is still vibrant, lively, and has a grocery store I can easily access. I’m just a 15 minute walk from the ocean and I’m truly settling in to the slower pace lifestyle here. Pretty much everything and every day is a scenic route.

Considering my job, I am so elated to be here doing what I am doing. I have not been this heavily immersed in public health programming since my MPH days. It feels really good to get back to those roots. This experience has shown me all the more that health education and improvements in health literacy will ALWAYS be apart of my practice. Here, I am given the opportunity to help craft culturally-relevant emergency procedure and protocol, workplace policies, webpage communications, health education interventions, health and wellness events, and so much more all surrounding COVID-19. For the past 14 years, I have been preparing for my purpose. And now, I finally feel as though I am actually starting to live it out…at least as it pertains to my medical career.

Exploring the island has been simply amazing. The very first weekend Mom and I were here, our family friends drove over (on the ferry) from Boston just to take us around and show us all there is to see here! The REAL MVPs!!! They provided such an amazing introduction to All of The Things and I’m just so grateful they did. Our day out definitely provided a guideline for what I wanted to explore further: the Black-owned areas we can patronize, all the color and liveliness of Oak Bluffs, the Mytoi Japanese Garden, the sunset at Menemsha. So far, Oak Bluffs is definitely my favorite town. It’s the color lover in me! Plus, this town has more of the stores and restaurants that remain open year-round. I cannot wait to show y’all more. Soon! Trust me, it’s coming. And after years of hearing about it…and watching the infamous Larenz Tate + Jada Pinkett Smith movie…I finally made it to The Inkwell, y’all!! I KNOW those summer jammy jams are LIT! I will definitely be coming back during a summer just for that reason. Some weekends, Mom and I go out to that beach and just stand there for a while completely soaking in the vastness that is God’s creation. Speaking of Mom, she’s still saying I kidnapped her. Let’s see how much longer she stays! I think she’s loving it!

When it comes to getting around, I have LOVED using the bus and my own 2 feet again. Back in Atlanta, I drive everywhere. When I was in Boston for undergrad, I walked and depended on public transportation all four years. That is when I felt at my healthiest, at my best. It’s been nice to get back to that. Also, all the walking helps me burn off the fish and chips I’m scarfing down! Ha! You have not had fish and chips OR clam chowder until you’ve had it in New England. So sorry, but it’s true! 

And lastly, my Atlanta apartment. LOL! Somebody please go check on the place! Andrew has already replaced my television which had THREE perfectly functioning cable channels (that’s good enough, right?!) with a smart tv. He said my bed comforter made him feel like he was sleeping on rocks and he plans to replace that as well. And then there’s the lazy boy he wants to move in. Y’all, my bachelorette pad may look totally different by the time I visit home in December. Pray for your Type A Sis!

All in all, things are going really well here and I could not be happier about the progress I am making in every facet of my careers: medicine and blogging. This is the most random and quickest move I’ve made, but I’m so glad I took the leap and dove in head first, not even having everything figured out first. God is showing out for me and I hope you are receiving your double/triple portion too! If not, be not discouraged. Habakkuk 2:3. I’m off to enjoy the rest of the day! There’s some hot clam chowder down at the Wharf with my name on it. Happy Saturday, y’all! Oh and be sure to follow me on Instagram @surgeryandthecity ! That’s where I share most of my updates and pics from the Vineyard!



  1. Jerry Dority
    October 31, 2020 / 7:28 pm

    Thanks for Sharing! Looking forward to ALL of Your Updates!

    • Anya
      October 31, 2020 / 7:49 pm

      Thanks so much Soror Jerry!! Looking forward to sharing more!❤️❤️❤️

  2. October 31, 2020 / 7:47 pm


    • Anya
      October 31, 2020 / 7:49 pm

      Thank you ALWAYS M!❤️❤️❤️

    • November 1, 2020 / 3:00 am

      You are glowing while growing! Loving these updates. Blessings!!!

      • Anya
        November 1, 2020 / 1:20 pm

        Thank you SO MUCH!! Yes! God has been GOODT!❤️❤️❤️Blessings to you too!

  3. Nycole Patterson
    October 31, 2020 / 9:41 pm

    I love this dress on you Dr. Bazz! I’m about to see if I can catch me a quick flight for a weekend to enjoy the ocean, black owned shops, and clam chowder! Can I bring an air mattress? Lol I can’t wait to catch on with you and get more details about your work!

    • Anya
      October 31, 2020 / 9:55 pm

      Awww thank you Friend!! Yasssss come hang out with me! That would be so fun! We will definitely catch up soon!❤️❤️❤️

  4. Joann Jackson
    October 31, 2020 / 10:19 pm

    I love Reading about your adventures. It’s been a joy to follow you through school and now into your career. Hello to your mother. Continued blessings.

    • Anya
      October 31, 2020 / 10:23 pm

      Awww thank you so much!! I so appreciate you! And thank you for reading along!❤️🙌🏾🙏🏾

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