Everything I’m Wearing on the Vineyard

Everything I’m Wearing on the Vineyard

Y’all. As SOON as I learned I was relocating to Martha’s Vineyard for work, I just knew I had to have Tina come here to shoot fire content. And she did just that! Like WOW. As we reviewed the photos together, I asked her, “Where do we even go from here?” Her response? “UP!” And so it is.

Once I moved here and saw all this beautiful island had to offer, the vision began. I started envisioning the clothing I wanted to wear and the stories I wanted to tell. Clothing that complements the best of the island and stories that express the richness in history and culture. I also wanted to be clear and emphasize the Black History and Black contributions to this space. Very recently someone commented on my IG photo, “You making Martha’s Vineyard seem like Black people need to move all up in through there.” I. Hollered. Mission accomplished! I’m doing the storytelling on my Instagram page (please do follow along!), but here on SAC, I’m sharing these Fashions! Below you will find links to everything I’m wearing on the Vineyard.

Go ahead to add to cart because spring will be here before you know it…and hopefully we will all be closer to freedom. Happy Friday, y’all!


Photos by Tina Smith


  1. November 27, 2020 / 6:19 pm

    You look marvelous darling, as always. I want all the looks in my cart!

    • Anya
      November 27, 2020 / 6:33 pm

      Yay! Thanks M! Add them to cart for sure!🙌🏾

  2. Gloria Melton
    November 27, 2020 / 8:08 pm

    I love ALL of them! Gorgeous!!

    • Anya
      November 27, 2020 / 8:49 pm

      Thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️

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