5 Tips to Increase Your Earnings on the LIKEtoKNOW.it App

5 Tips to Increase Your Earnings on the LIKEtoKNOW.it App

Ok. Who’s on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app as an influencer/blogger/content creator? Yes, this platform is so worthwhile and let me tell you why. For those who may not know, the app serves as a space where your favorite creators can post items they love—ranging from clothing to home items to accessories, you name it! On the app, you can directly shop the links we post. Have you ever thought, “Man, I love that dress! Wish I knew where it was from” without having to ask/wait on a response? That’s where the app comes in! Follow your faves there and click on our shoppable links! I just thank y’all so much for following me in the app and for using my links. I do make a small commission and it really does help my small Black-owned business! You may be thinking, “Why put all this effort into affiliate links when the commission is such a small percentage?” Trust me, I was there too. However, those commissions Add. Up. This week, I made over $300 off 1 item I posted 3 weeks ago. ONE item. And yes, these posts have that kind of in-app longevity. When someone uses your links and simultaneously adds other items to cart, you get a commission for the ENTIRE purchase, not just the item you posted. Worth it!

I have been using this app for the last 4 years and in that time frame, it has afforded me $$$$ in affiliate commissions, collaborations with household brands, exposure to the wider LTK community, and, most recently, the opportunity to take over the LIKEtoKNOW.it Instagram page. There are several tips of which I recently became aware as it pertains to using this platform as a creator. I wish I had known earlier so I could have been maximizing my earnings all along. BUT hindsight is 20/20! I’m sharing 5 of those tips with you today. Keep reading to learn how—within the past few months—I have been able to increase my earnings on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app.

Let people know you’re on the app and that they can follow you there! No one will know about your LTK content unless you tell them. Since I started encouraging my IG community to follow me on the app, my LTK follower count has significantly grown…and so has my conversion rate. People are more likely to make purchases if they are actually using the app. Provide your audience with education on how to use the platform and consistently remind them they can follow you there and conveniently shop what you post.

Post as often as you can. Since December, I have been posting to the app pretty much daily and wow wow wow have my sales increased. The app really does honor frequent posting. More posts = more in-app user eyes on your content = increased opportunity for sales. My personal goal is to post every day. In the app, you can also schedule posts to go live at a future time. This feature is especially clutch since I started residency.

You don’t need a photo of you wearing or engaging with an item in order for you to post it. I wish I was hip to this 4 years ago. I just did not consider the possibility. Before 2020, I really only ever posted when I had a new look recently photographed. And as a med student on a budget, how often was I really able to make that happen? Then I realized I could post collages complete with what’s in my cart, what I just purchased (so it doesn’t sell out before I style and photograph), gift ideas, seasonal wish lists. There are so many possibilities. I use the Bazaart app + Canva to make these posts; planning ahead to have at least one each day. These have been CLUTCH in increasing my sales and conversion rate. Mirror selfies of your outfit of the day are also great ways to get fast and easy content! When you post, be sure to include key words in the description box. Don’t leave it blank! This way, people can find your items when they enter certain key words into the app’s search engine. Each week, LTK sends out an email with top performing items people are searching for. Post as many of those as you desire and put the words in your description.

Cross promote your LTK content on your other platforms. Post to Pinterest with a description of what’s in the picture + your LTK link. Post to Instagram and, in your caption, educate people on how they can follow you and shop your look. I just recently got the swipe up feature on IG and post at least one photo with a swipe up link each day. Before that, I had no problem with telling my audience they could click the link in my bio to check out the items. Here’s the thing though: Instagram changed its privacy policy, so in order to secure your commission, it’s a good idea to provide a link that takes people to your post on LIKEtoKNOW.it page. Yes, most prefer direct links where they are not routed through LTK first, BUT from Instagram, the tracking capabilities may be lost and you lose your commission even if someone does make a purchase. People do not have to download the LTK app in order to make a purchase, but your link will send people to your LTK page and THEN they can click on the items for purchase, ensuring you get your commission. And don’t let anyone make you feel grimy about cross promotion. This is your business. This is your brand. Again, just as a sales associate gets a commission for selling in a boutique, so do you for making sales online.

Pay attention to what your audience likes and share more of it! I just recently started doing a weekly roundup of top sellers and posting them to LTK and cross promoting on IG. I’ve had to repost items from the same single post (from January) because people love them so much! My weekly roundups always yield sales and really have been the cherry on top of my increased earnings.

I hope this helps, y’all! Be patient with yourselves and enjoy the ride! You are building a business. You are building a brand. Apply these tips and you’ll be surprised at how far you grow. And y’all, I know the emails are frequent, but pay attention to the info shared by Jenna, Kristen, and Alex. They share jewels on how to enhance usership and performance. Be sure to let me know how these tips work out for you and don’t forget to follow me on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app! Until next time.


Photos by Tina Smith


    • Anya
      March 5, 2021 / 9:37 pm

      LOL! Thanks M!💗💗💗

  1. March 5, 2021 / 11:29 pm

    So helpful!!! Thanks so much! I was just saying by the time I post my outfits they are sold out, I’ll definitely make collages going forward.

    • Anya
      March 5, 2021 / 11:43 pm

      Yay! I’m so glad! Yes, those collages really did change the game for me💗🙌🏾

  2. Carnita
    August 16, 2021 / 2:08 am

    Thank you for sharing this information

    • Anya
      August 16, 2021 / 8:52 am

      Of course!

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