Surgery And The City…In The City

Surgery And The City…In The City

The BIG REVEAL is here and the jig is up! Over the past few weeks, I was packing and running around like crazy and now I have finally shared. I already made the announcement on my personal Facebook page, but just last week, I told my Instagram fam: I MOVED TO NEW YORK!!! Y’all!! I still cannot even believe I matched into residency in THE New York City. For years, I have been saying I wanted the opportunity to live in NYC full-time. However, this past year and especially the pandemic really made me value comfort, convenience, and the ability to have (almost) all my favorite people and things close by. After relocating to Martha’s Vineyard for my gap year job, I thought I would finally get a chance to set down roots and decide on Atlanta as home. I truly have been hopping around like a little nomadic camel. As always, God had other plans. I was shocked and, dare I say it, just a little disappointed when I read my Match letter. I can’t even front. I thought about these 32 year old knees and the cold. I thought about being further from my parents after being close by an entire 11 years post-undergrad. I thought about leaving behind my car, my perfect apartment, ummmm REAL CLOSET SPACE, and the best food to ever hit my taste buds. There is no soul food like the kind that comes from Pookie an ‘em Grandma kitchen in the dirty south. Anything else tastes like soul food lite. Fight me.

After the shock wore off, I started to shift my perspective. I was reminded of all the times I thought something would work out one way and I was extremely off course. (i.e., I lived on an island for my gap year. Ha!) I remembered my career very rarely goes according to my plan and I really should be used to it by now lol. I remembered how God always throws me a curve ball, helps me knock it out the park, and provides me with the Extraordinary. I spoke with my really good friend Ashley who was extremely supportive and reassuring. Can’t wait to see more of you, bud! She said, “Anya, you know good and well you are too big for (insert name of town where I thought I would match). You belong in New York, training at the best hospital. Also, your blog is about to blow up.” And you know what, she’s right!

And now, I am MORE than excited to get this next part of my journey started. I have no idea what the next three years have in store. I mean really, I never do. What I can say is I’m extremely excited for God’s continued surprises. I know He’s got me and has me in mind. The move has been such a whirlwind with an extremely quick turnaround. I actually came to NYC just a few days earlier than I originally planned because FIGS, Inc. invited me to celebrate their initial public offering! Like what?! My NYC journey began on Wall Street at the stock exchange celebrating a brand I respect and represent. Like I said, God has me in mind. My apartment was ready the day my hotel stay ended and I was able to transition into my new home. Coming in with a bang! Let’s chat a little more about what I’ve been up to while keeping everything under wraps:

How was the NYC apartment hunt process? Welp, let’s just say it started with my Auntie and me trying to get to the Upper East Side…and ending up in Queens. LOL!! The apartment hunt in NYC is totally different! *Tamar Braxton voice. Brokers show the apartments, not the actual owners of the buildings. The brokers only take you seriously if you are on the ground in the area. Excuse me! I really did not want to go to and from NYC looking for apartments on multiple occasions. And brokers only want to set appointments a couple days in advance because apartments move so quickly on and off the market. That really bothered the Type A planner in me. Also, they require first and last month’s rent to secure the space whereas I only put down $200 for my place in Atlanta. I feel like I bought a house lol.

I used the Street Easy App to find places that interested me. My brother, Aaron, gave me a jurisdiction within I should reside and I went from there. My one non-negotiable: I had to have an in-unit washer/dryer. For those who do not know, it is very common for New Yorkers (Northeasterners as a whole) to use laundromats. The last time I used a shared laundry space was in college. Like I said, I have truly come to value convenience and comfort. It’s covid. I’m over 30. I’m gonna be working crazy hours. The one thing I need to help soothe me is to be able to clean my clothes any time I want…alone. And I found the unit, y’all. After stalking—literally calling and emailing back to back—the broker for the unit I wanted, he emailed me the first day I started my hunt in NYC. He showed me not one, but two apartments. I had my CHOICE of places, y’all. After that, it was pretty much a done deal. I did not think I would walk away from my one weekend-long search with my NYC apartment, but I did. I really did.

What made you say yes to your new address? That in-unit washer dryer is a beautiful thang! If there is any time to move to NYC, it’s now! So many fled the city during the pandemic, so some rental prices are much lower than they would be normally. My building is offering preferential rent—a rent that is (significantly) lower than the legal regulated rent the landlord could charge. I praise God for His Favor and preferential treatment!!! My rent should technically be even lower based on what it cost before renovations, but my rate is still pretty good. My unit is also rent stabilized, meaning when the rent increases year to year, the changes will be very nominal—perfect for my 3 year program. My apartment is totally gut-renovated. It’s even more updated than the one I had in Atlanta. It is extremely close to my hospital and not too far from clinic. It’s under the price point I wanted. The location is close to the train that takes me right to Aaron’s place. We can get to each other with ease if needed. The neighborhood is decent. Aaron double triple checked and even called one of his friends who lives close by. The apartment gets good light. I need bright and airy to keep my spirits up while going through this rigorous program and it’s great for my blog videos and photos. And y’all. The space comes with a second room!! I have no idea how New Yorkers live without walk-in closets (only half kidding), but this week I created my own. I cannot wait to show y’all my IKEA Pax closet system!

Things have not been all perfect here. I have had multiple conversations with the landlord on appliances that need to be fixed. We are making progress and, for the most part, I am pleased. Still, how do you allow a new tenant to move into an apartment with broken fixtures? People keep telling me, “Welcome to New York.” I get that’s the attitude here, but to me it’s unacceptable. I pay my rent on time. You’re gonna make sure I have a clean and functional apartment, k pumpkin?! “Welcome to Anya!!”

What do you most look forward to about living in NYC? Sample sales. Great cuisine (it’s not dirty south soul food, but it’s amazing!) Fashion, blogging, and networking events when things truly open up. Learning all there is to learn about practicing medicine and serving my community. Carving a path for myself in Women’s Health. And my blog. So many people I told about my move resounded my blog is going to really take off. I absolutely 100% agree. Additional opportunities, ideas, and creative sparks for SAC is definitely what I look forward to most. Yes, I am here to practice medicine, but I will never be one dimensional. And that’s a fact.

Will you still have time for content creation once residency starts? I better. SAC is a source of income now and I have major financial goals for how I want to scale my business. Thank God Dad taught us time management when we were little kids. If I don’t have at least 2 things going at once, something is off.

What about Tina Smith? I don’t even want to think about the fact I am so far from Tina. This is the first time me and SAC have been without Tina’s amazing skill for this long. The tribute she wrote to honor our time together really brought me to tears. We have grown and accomplished so much. She has agreed to visit and I will definitely be shooting with her each and every time I have vacation days *cough cough twice a year, send help! LOL we will make do. In the meantime, I am really excited to work with other local photographers who are also very talented.

How will your content change? As you all know, I love showing off whatever locale I’m in. I cannot wait to shoot at and geotag my new NYC backdrops. Trust me when I say I’ve been building a loooong list of locations to shoot over the years. Now I can finally tackle it. On my page, you will eventually see a new NYC travel guide. I have Atlanta and Martha’s Vineyard guides. Now we will have another. There will be more winter fashion content and I intend to share how I decorate my new space. To combat any stress from residency/working through a pandemic, I am going for hotel/spa vibes in my apartment. Now that my medical school chapter is truly behind me, my student-based content will be geared toward how non-trads can prep for residency and what to expect. Not to worry, pre-meds and early med students. My blog and Instagram stories are still stocked with helpful info for you too! Even with all these adjustments, my love for bright colors and bold prints will never change. We are definitely going for Color in the Concrete Jungle vibes here!

Do you think you’ll return to Atlanta after your 3 year program? I could say yes, but at this point I honestly do not know. Ninety percent of my life has not gone according to my plan. God’s plans always prevail and they are always better. I thought I may return to Atlanta as soon as that residency diploma ink is dry. And you better believe my Dad is telling everyone who asks I’m going right back to Atlanta as soon as 3 years are up. Even if I’m in the room, he answers before I can LOL. I thought about holding on to my apartment because the price and location are so good. Instead, I’ve decided to fall head first into what God has for me. Who knows where we’ll go next. I’m ok with not knowing and understanding He leads, I follow, and, in doing so, I always end up with more. I might even be married with kids by the time I’m done with residency. If the past 6 years have taught me anything it’s that literally anything is possible.

As always, I thank you all so much for following along on this journey with me! After match, my emotions went from shock to minor disappointment to acceptance to excitement. And now, I am approaching that sweet spot of peace and joy. I am settling into my new neighborhood, I found my local Trader Joe’s, and I can’t wait to show you all more. A couple weeks ago, I found my vision board from 2020 and NYC was absolutely on it…multiple times. There’s even a picture of NYC next to the word “resident.” I guess I forgot about that. Oh, Anya. After seeing that, I have no idea why I was shocked I ended up here. I had put it into the atmosphere and had even written it down (Habukkuk 2:2). I guess my NYC brownstone is next. God truly is faithful with regard to all my dreams. Even if the placement seems out of order to me, it’s always right on time. I’ve moved on from one island to the next: Martha’s Vineyard to Manhattan. Surgery And The City is finally in The City. Buckle up and let’s go along for this 3 year ride! #SACinNYC


Photos by Dadou Studios

Preset by Tina Smith


  1. June 11, 2021 / 8:11 pm

    Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has entered in your heart what God your Father has in store for you!

    • Anya
      June 11, 2021 / 8:35 pm

      Amen!! Thanks M!!💛💛💛

  2. Nycole Patterson
    June 11, 2021 / 10:36 pm

    Yes married with kids! I know Ms. Michelle would love that! Lol But once again I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished and I wish your time management skills would rub off on me! Lol I can’t wait to come visit you in the big city!

    • Anya
      June 12, 2021 / 12:13 am

      Lol!! She sure would!! Thank you so much Friend!! Can’t wait to see you!!

  3. Stacy
    June 11, 2021 / 11:57 pm

    This is so very enjoyable to read! I’m pretty sure I’m too old to be reading and following your blog…but I am intrigued and impressed!

    • Anya
      June 12, 2021 / 12:14 am

      Thank you so much for reading along Ms. Stacy!! I create it for everyone! I’m glad you enjoy it!❤️❤️❤️

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