Answering Your Top Questions on Life as a Physician & Fashion Blogger

Answering Your Top Questions on Life as a Physician & Fashion Blogger

For the past few years, I have been juggling the duality of being a medical student (turned physician) and a style blogger. I have so enjoyed exploring both paths and fully intend to keep pursuing them simultaneously. I have never believed in limiting myself in any way and I do not intend to start now. Four years ago when I started SAC, I had no idea what it would look like to balance the art of medicine while also learning the art of influencer marketing. I did, at one time, believe I had to “have it all together” with my medical career before starting something new. I’m so glad I realized perfection is not the goal and managed to take the leap into working for myself while I simultaneously train as a physician. It’s not often you meet a physician & fashion blogger. I have received some questions over time especially from those in medicine who also want to pursue non-medical goals. Keep reading to see your questions answered.

How do you do it all?

I received this question quite a bit. Believe me when I say it takes time to find a groove. Start with what you have. That includes resources and time. So many of us start from humble beginnings; myself included. It’s so important to ensure you are having fun with blogging and that you enjoy the content you are creating and sharing. The enjoyment of it all really does make it feel less like work. Also, I am very big on time management. When there is something I want to do, I carve out the time. Even if I only have a few hours to give, I carve out the time. Being intentional with my one day off and scheduling all my blog work on that day really has been instrumental in getting things done…70-80+ hour work week and all.

How should you start off? Share on your personal Instagram or create a separate one for your target audience?

I really think that’s up to the individual. I personally did not want to create a second account, so I changed the name for the one I had to SAC and made it public. Creating a totally separate account is also an option if you love your personal one and want to save it for just family and friends. Either way, start creating the content you love and start posting. For more info on how to start a blog, click here.

How do you plan out content (shooting looks and posting)?

Great question! With residency, my schedule changes by the week. I either speak to my photographer, Sweetie Mensah, during our weekly photoshoot or by Monday of each week and request a shoot on one of my days off. It’s usually a weekend date. We meet and shoot and I use Tina Smith’s Heaven Preset to edit my photos. That same day, I usually sit down and determine captions and concepts for each photo or video. If the content is specifically curated for a brand, I will write captions and submit the content for brand approval. Completing these tasks on my off day means I do not have to think about logistics during the week. As long as I have a little moment to myself during a week day, I can quickly copy and paste my caption (I use the Caption app to house all my captions) and seamlessly post my photos.

How do secure brand deals without a huge following?

This is definitely a question many have asked. I can fully attest it is not all about the numbers. It’s about the quality work you bring to the table. It’s about your ability to connect with your audience. It’s about your influence. And it’s also about your drive. I invest in myself and ensure the images I produce are quality. Yes, some of my photos are straight from my iphone, but the vast majority are taken by a professional photographer. I want to show brands I can produce the top notch ads they would want to see on their own social platforms and websites. It costs to work with professional photographers, but the payoff is so great. I did not see a return on my investment really until 2020. I am so glad I believed in myself. It takes money to make money. I also pitch brands I want to work with on a weekly basis. Yes, WEEKLY. I find the correct email addresses and send out my pitch emails + media kits. The next week, I follow up if I have not received a response. One day, I will get to the point where the majority of my campaigns are incoming, but for now, I hustle and go after what I want. Pitching regularly and continuously posting high quality imagery–that is how I have been able to secure fairly consistent brand deals (that pay my rate or close to it!!!) even without hundreds of thousands of followers.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your schedule? If you do, how do you cope?

Do I ever?! Especially during intern year of residency, my schedule is FULL. Most of my rotations are within the hospital as opposed to clinic-based. This means longer hours and a greater likelihood of me approaching that 70-80+ hour work week. On these more difficult rotations, I also typically have only one day off per week. That means putting my photo shoots, photo editing, blog post writing, social media caption writing, etc. all on that one day. It’s tricky because I also have to handle my life errands and chores on my day off too. I do my best to fill at least a couple of hours with intentional rest. I often remind myself of where SAC will be 5 years from now if I remain consistent. That thought really does keep me going. Also, I am passionate about what I do. I like what I do. Yes, it’s work, but actually enjoying patient interaction and content creation really do keep me intent on pursuing both career paths. Passion, intentionality, and time management: that’s how I keep it all going.

Do you see any differences in your blogging in New York vs. Atlanta?

I definitely see a few. Now that I have graduated from medical school and started residency, I am gearing more of my student content toward 4th year medical students who are preparing for residency. I am now sharing from the perspective of a physician in the field making my way through residency. Not to worry pre-meds and all other med students. I have a great deal of information for you all here. I have also noticed my style has elements that are a bit edgier. What can I say? I am loving my new concrete jungle backdrop and my style is often influenced by my locale. Since relocating, I have participated and hope to keep participating in a few home campaigns because of my new space. Otherwise, much of my content is very similar to what it was in Atlanta: color, encouragement/advice for students, showing off my city.

Is your job aware of your blog? Did you include it in ERAS?

Great question! Yes, they are definitely aware. Most employers (residency programs included) will do research on potential candidates. My program discovered my blog and IG page during interview season. I am fine with that because I have nothing to hide. I did not include my blog in ERAS because I did not feel it was relevant to my goals as a physician. An advisor at my alma mater also said it may come off as a distraction. I did not need any problems, so I left it out. Still, I am very proud of my body of work and how my platform helps pre-meds and med students. I did experience trolling and harassment at the hands of some of the residents in (and graduated from) my program. I do have a public page, but it is my right to express myself free from harassment and defamation of character. I went through and blocked every single person and entity I found to be problematic. I had no problem and no hesitation with doing that. If you have a blog or public page, no one is allowed to harass you just because they do not like what you share in YOUR space. Keep it professional and mind your business so no one has any real claims. Keep that block button at the ready because unfortunately, many struggle with jealousy + insecurity and try to deflect on others. Not your problem. Keep your head down, do your work, and create the life YOU want.

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I especially hope it was helpful for those wanting to start a blog and/or leap into influencer marketing. Take the leap. Create the life you want. And understand you don’t have to give up your day job in order to do it.


Photos by Sweetie Mensah

Preset by Tina Smith


    • Anya
      September 24, 2021 / 6:36 pm

      Thanks M!!

  1. September 27, 2021 / 9:14 am

    You are so inspiring with how you’re able to balance both!! I also work full time + blog, and I totally agree with you that we do make time for things we love, even if it’s only a little bit of time in a day. 🙂 Love following your journey!

    xoxo A

    • Anya
      September 27, 2021 / 11:47 am

      Awww thank you so much!! Yes! Totally possible to do both. Have a great week!

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