This is my Year of Yes.

This is my Year of Yes.

Shonda Rhimes coined the phrase and I absolutely adopted it. This year, I am telling myself YES. Let’s be honest. I’ve been saying Yes, but I’m about to say it even more. Allow me to explain. As most of you all know, I’ve been in school and training since forever. In 31 years, I’ve had an entire 1.5 year break: 1 semester between my post-bac program and my Masters of Science degree, 1 year between graduating med school and starting residency. ONE POINT FIVE YEARS OFF IN 31 YEARS. My education and training have opened up the flood gates when it comes to my medical career. I’ve done what’s needed to be done and my training is doing what it’s supposed to do. Still, my tenure in school has been quite prohibitive for so many other areas of my life. As a lifelong learner, funds have been limited, thereby, decreasing my access to some opportunities I may have previously desired. The incredible time suck that is US medical training has definitely limited that access too. In the past, if I was not under a book, I was in someone’s clinic or research lab. Now as a newly minted 2nd Year resident physician with med school and intern year behind me…I’m ready to be free and free indeed. And so it shall be.

My time is still not fully my own. My funds are still not funding at the rate of an Attending physician who has completed residency, but I am eons from where I used to be. My closer proximity to the completion of my training has opened up time and space for me to take advantage of other opportunities outside of medicine and I am so here for it. I have never aimed to be one-dimensional and I never will.

What am I saying Yes to? Anything and everything that excites and serves me…as long as Jesus is cool with it. At the end of intern year, FIGS had their wellness retreat for ambassadors—their first since the pandemic. I was originally scheduled to have my second vacay in April. The retreat was in May. I sure did march myself right up to my program director to ask for a minor shift in my schedule that would allow me to have my vacay switched to May. I was not missing an all-expense paid retreat to Ojai, CA. And why should I? Because I’m in residency? Nah, I’ve already given enough to the system as they work us 70-80 hours a week and pay us minimum wage. My program director kindly obliged. I told myself Yes and, in return, so did she.

Outside is open now and events are on and poppin. As a blogger, I have been invited to a decent amount throughout the spring and summer months. Even with my resident schedule, I have decided to make it work. 70-80 hour work week be damned. I’m not limiting myself. I get off work, get changed, and head back out. I am an introvert unless around my close family and friends, but I force myself to walk up to other bloggers and persons in PR to start conversation and create connections. For extroverts, it may be difficult to understand how truly daunting that seemingly simple task may be. I do it anyway and I’m always so glad I do. I was recently featured in a two page spread in Woman’s Day magazine! More on that later! I said absolutely yes to that experience which drew forward the opportunity of a lifetime.

As it pertains to finances, I started more intently putting money away for my future. With the help of my older brother, I now have an IRA. I am stricter with my savings. I spend more of my blog funds on investing back into the business via quality content creation and financial advising. I still have to shop because that is the name of my industry, but I have scaled back. Sometimes saying Yes does simultaneously mean saying no.

I didn’t realize it when I was still in med school, but being a student for so long definitely created within me a bit of a scarcity mindset at least as it pertains to time and money. I had so little of each and had to function that way to get to where I am. Now that I have evolved into residency, I am constantly reminding myself I can and should say Yes more to what fulfills me outside of medicine. I want the flood gates to open up in every other area of my life too and they shall. They are. I love that all my Yes’s are pushing me closer to the dreams I have for myself and my brand. The events, the magazine spread, the campaigns, the free PR packages and goodie bags are not just about enjoyment. To me, it’s about developing relationships, networking, and increasing my access. I love when a dope conversation with someone in PR ends with, “Let me know if you need anything” in the most sincere of ways. My response? “Oh I most certainly will. Thank you!!” I’m so grateful to be at these tables so I can continue crafting my own.

I’m saying Yes, y’all. To that event, to that interview, to that photography fee, to that conversation, to that rooftop party, to day trips to Coney Island, to fun time with my co-residents. Just yesterday, I was walking home from my spin class at Harlem Cycle when I stumbled upon a group of people playing double dutch. They asked if I wanted to jump in. I initially said no because I never learned how to play. *Grew up in Cobb County lol. After thinking about it, I remembered the theme of my year. I listened to the group’s instructions and jumped. I even managed to do a few tricks between those spinning ropes. Instead of awkwardly walking away and worrying about what others would say if I tripped, I jumped in. I’m. Saying. Yes. I’m also saying no. To that scarcity mindset, to one-sided relationships, to non-paid campaigns with brands big enough to have a budget, to being one-dimensional, to fear of risk-taking, to doctor guilt. I want to encourage all physicians, especially residents. Do. You. By all means, make sacrifices for your career and do right by the patients, but don’t sacrifice so much that you lose yourself and lose sight of your other dreams. Do you and have an amazing time doing it! And I do believe you will be a healthier, more well-balanced version of yourself for your patients.

I’m off to enjoy the weekend, y’all! I truly love this dual life I’m living—doctor by day, fabulous influencer by night. That is the crux of my brand, isn’t it? This weekend, I’m saying Yes to a few pampering sessions and some rest. More events and good times to come!


Photos by Sweetie Mensah

Preset by Tina Smith


  1. July 29, 2022 / 4:00 pm

    Loved all of these gems that you dropped Doc! BTW, you probably should invest in a cape! You are definitely my Super Hero…..

    • Anya
      July 29, 2022 / 4:59 pm

      Thanks so much M!! And you’re mine!!!

  2. Diana
    July 30, 2022 / 3:35 am

    Yes, yes, yessss!! Love it Anya!! 👏🏼👏🏼🎉🎉

    • Anya
      July 30, 2022 / 2:35 pm

      Thank you so much, Diana!!❤️❤️❤️

  3. Joy Monet
    July 30, 2022 / 8:59 am

    Love this! You are #goals Anya. Your drive, ambition, rootededness in God. All of it. So proud of you and happy to call you friend.

    • Anya
      July 30, 2022 / 2:35 pm

      Thank you so much Monet!! Love you! Proud to call you Friend too, Super Woman!!❤️❤️❤️

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