Your Words Have Power.

Your Words Have Power.

Truly, they do, y’all. My Mom has been saying this to me for years. Proverbs 18:21 – Life and death are in the power of the tongue. A few years ago, I was not in a place to receive that concept or to put it into practice, really. Life was falling down all around me and even when I did speak positivity, I did not see what I desired come to pass…right away. It was with time I realized words are indeed powerful, but they’re not magic. God is still going to have His time and His way.

I fought through 2017 and worked incredibly hard to heed my Mom’s words and really watch mine. Things started happening. Things started turning around. Things started changing and improving. Just yesterday, I looked up and realized just about everything I spoke over myself has come to pass:

I passed STEP 1.

I graduated from medical school.

I got out of immediate debt.

I matched into residency.

Y’all, I even live in New York. Ha! I asked God for this one back in my early 20s. True to form, He came through in His own timing. I just find it so interesting that I spoke about this desire allllll the way back then and it happened. God was like, “Nah, we not leaving anything on the table. She gets everything.”

And, y’all, my blog: I said from jump street my blog is not just a hobby. In 2018, I said it would become a job, a brand, a source of immense income. It’s. Happening. I’ve been featured in a magazine, I’ve participated in brand trips, I’ve grossed almost six figures from Surgery And The City, I’ve grown my platform, I’m consistent on my platform. And I’m just getting started. These are all things I said aloud I would do. And they are done.

Someone from my SAC community recently called me the Manifestation Queen. Out of all my fashion, this is my favorite label to wear. I have and am currently absolutely manifesting the life I want. Still, the process does not stop at manifestation. I work. Y’all, I work. HARD. I work overtime to pass standardized exams. I take more time than is standard to study and prepare. I work hard and network to gain the skills I need as a future women’s health practitioner who is training in Family Medicine. I work hard to use my only days off to shoot and create content. I work hard to pitch brands every week and come up with creative concepts to stay employed. Everything I put my mind to, I do it. That’s why I laugh out loud when someone tries to say something won’t happen for me or I won’t accomplish something; maybe not in their face, but definitely when I get home. It’s literally laughable to me. My track record (God’s track record) says otherwise. I also have faith–Crazy Faith. I truly believe what I speak will come to pass. I believe God hears me and will come through. One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 8:32 – He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? That scripture rings so true in my life. God has literally done so much of what I’ve asked.

I love this life I’m living. I love going to work during the day, honing my prenatal and GYN procedural skills and going to blogger events/creating content at night/on weekends. I have the best of both worlds and am doing everything I dreamt. The duality of this lifestyle is the perfect fit for me and, yes, I manifested the hell out of that.

My words have power. I am living in the knowing of that concept and have become so aware of my words that I now self-correct before or right after speaking something that does not align with what I want to see. I’m also quick to tell others, “Nah, I rebuke that” when they speak something over me that I don’t agree with. We can’t touch and agree on errrrything. “I’ll never…I can’t…It won’t happen…Nothing works…I can’t fix this…” have fallen from my vocabulary as I lean into all the amazing possibilities waiting for me. I’m not perfect at speaking life and I do have my days, but there are way fewer days of negativity than there used to be. I’m so so grateful. I woke up one day and realized I’m living the life I want. It’s not perfect, but it’s amazing and purpose-filled. And the rest of my heart’s desires? Oh, they’re coming. I speak what I want to see on a daily basis. They’re coming. Speak life, y’all. Even on the hard days. Train your mind and spirit to expect the great. Then see what happens. Speak life.


Photos by Sweetie Mensah

Preset by Tina Smith


  1. August 22, 2022 / 10:50 am

    Amen! Continue to delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart!❤️

    • Anya
      August 22, 2022 / 11:07 am

      Amen! Thanks for all you taught me, M!

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