5 Benefits of Living in New York City

5 Benefits of Living in New York City

Chile, if you can make it here, you’ll make it anywhere. Not because it’s THE New York and THE epitome of city living, but because of all you have to contend with while STILL approaching your goals, living day to day life, and trying to be healthy. Depending on public transportation and giving up full control of when you get from here to there, trash all over the place impacting your mental health, rats all over the place impacting your peace of mind, inadequate heat during the winter, inadequate AC during the summer, downsizing to fit in much smaller living quarters, wishing to upsize so you can actually afford the city, landlords acting like they are doing you a favor by renting you a cubicle, and the entire renting experience as a whole. It’s a lot to deal with on top of all your daily responsibilities. It’s hard to grow up outside of NYC and come to live here…in your 30’s…after living in another affordable city…knowing what comfort and amenities feel like…and paying way more for way less. That’s hard.

I know I talk a lot of smack about NYC. My father and his side of the family are from the city and they talk smack too, so don’t @ me bro! Still, I have benefitted significantly from living here. Those benefits are part of my journey and they do deserve to be acknowledged. NYC deserves to be acknowledged. So what am I grateful for after 20 months of living in the Big Apple?

Business & Relationships. The major PR firms are here. The major brand hubs (many of them) are here. I have made so many connections and advancements for my business and brand by living in the city. I am able to meet with brand reps for a quick lunch or coffee with no problem. I’ve been able to attend New York Fashion Week. I’ve increased my business earnings. I’ve been invited to events and had face time with the brands of my dreams. So much growth has happened for Surgery And The City right here. SAC was born in the city. Yep, right in my brother’s Brooklyn apartment. I set the framework and even the original logo (thank you, Aarika!) back in 2017 when I failed step 1 and my world was falling apart. To be back in the city, actually living here, and partnering with brands the way I always wanted? That’s priceless. I am proud of that. I became consistent with SAC in ATL and NYC has definitely helped me take it to the next level. Even once I leave the city, I will ALWAYS make myself available to go back and forth for meetings, events, and partnerships.

Medical Training. Y’all. Whew. WHEW. The things my eyes have seen. The training here is like no other. Particularly at my hospital, we are dealing with an incredibly active emergency room and very complex patients. I truly do not remember the patients being this complex at my med school teaching hospital. On top of high patient volume, it is the culture to have really ill patients chillin on regular floors instead of the ICU. “Say what now?”That was me when I first got here. The learning has been incredible. Scary, but incredible. Other people in and outside of the city know that. Training in NYC carries a certain weight all medical professionals understand. The name of my teaching hospital carries a weight all medical professionals understand. I do believe I will be able to write my own ticket after being a resident physician here. And after how hard I worked…oh yea, run me that check and those opportunities. I’m grateful.

An Experience. So many people want this. To live in NYC and to make it! I was definitely one of those people in my early to mid 20’s. And my my my, here I am. Even in my discomfort, I am still living. True to my brand, I literally work in the hospital/clinic during the day and spend my evenings glamazoning at events, dinners, and New York Fashion Week. No lie. I am living the life I actually foresaw for myself and I love that for me. One day I’ll be able to tell my children of the times I was a hot mama in the city saving lives, taking names, and spinning the block with these fashions. I am so grateful I can live this multidimensional lifestyle where I accomplish all my goals and live out all my dreams at the same time. NYC has definitely been my playground so I can do just that.

Content Creation. It’s very well documented how much I love ATL. I have an affinity for so many other cities as well. Still, there is nothing like an NYC backdrop in these photos and videos I post on social media. Truly. Hands down, NYC is that girl. I could be on a random corner in the city and the photo absolutely gives what it needs to give. The backdrops are stunning. They are edgy. They are elevated. New York, New York deserves credit, because babyyyyyy the content is poppin.

Perspective. Living in NYC has given me plenty of it. Don’t get me wrong. I never took my Atlanta experience for granted. There are some days (read most days) when I would be in my ATL apartment and just luxuriate all day. That was truly my happy place. Living in NYC and being uncomfortable has made me even more grateful I had that time and, in 15 more months (!!!), will get to have it again. It is a privilege to come here and train. It is also a privilege to be able to take what I learned and go back to my community; back to my happy place. I am not bound to the city. I am able to move about freely. And that is a privilege. I will never forget when my neighbor shockingly asked me, “There are apartments where you can control your own heat?” That was the week our landlord was really freezing us out. Perspective. I have a lot to be grateful for. And one of the top things on that list is being able to choose a home that is comfortable and healthy for Me. I realize that locale can look different for everyone. I am just grateful I know what I want and have set up my life so I can unabashedly choose it.

I know God has me here for a purpose. His purpose. And He’s certainly allowed me to see the light and the benefits (*cough cough) in between my complaints. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, NYC. Truly, thank you. While I still look forward to the day when I can live back home full time, I have to give credit where credit is due. Big ups to the Big Apple.


Photos by Sweetie Mensah


  1. January 31, 2023 / 5:31 pm

    Thank you for your perspective. C’mon unabashed life! 🙂

    • Anya
      January 31, 2023 / 11:27 pm

      Thanks so much M!! #Unabashed ❤️💪🏾

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