” Now that I’m a doctor, I think it’s time I (continue to) dress like one.”
– ANYA, @surgeryandthecity
Hello Beautiful! I’m Anya. So glad you stopped by! I began this blog as a creative way to share my personal style. This blog also serves as an outlet for me as I persist through the trenches of my medical career! As a child, I always took note of my Grandmother’s, Mother’s and Auntie’s fashion sense. I’m the only girl of four siblings, so no doubt they each took turns “dressing me up like a babydoll.” I love looking through old photos of the matriarchs of my family not only so I can observe the ebbs and flows of fashion over time, but also so I can admire how they each took ownership of their personal style. So glad I picked up on that trait! On this blog, you’ll find splashes of my favorite colorful outfits, tips for pre-med + medical students, more on my journey as a Medical Doctor, and true gems from my city. Looking forward to sharing more on my city lifestyle as well as How to Wear Color and mix prints like it’s nobody’s business…and on a budget because ya girl loves a deal! As always, thank you so much for reading and following along!
A bit more about me: I love bold colors, patterns, & prints | Pink & Green is my favorite color combo | Traveling to developing countries on medical mission trips is a passion of mine | I absolutely love cupcakes| God & family are everything to me